Sunday, October 18, 2009

I decided to analyze the editing structure of the diner scene in Goodfellas. Last year, in the documentary we watched on filming they talked about this particular scene. The scenes starts off with a wide shot of the restaurant and a moving camera coming into the restaurant and spotting James. While the camera is moving into the restaurant you see the customers restaurant and interior of the restaurant. The listener hears Henry speak in voice over. The viewer because he cannot see Henry and listens to the dialect instantly understands the voiceover is of course Henry's inner thoughts. When James is spot a cut happens and you see James and Henry hug. Within seconds another cut happens and you see the two of them sitting across from each other at a table in the restaurant. After, they are sitting you continue to hear Henry's thoughts through a voice over but at this point you are drawn to the actions in the shot between the two characters and the specific movement of the camera the camera is almost pulling back but zooming in dramatizing the scene a bit and adding intensity to the situation. Then it cuts to a medium shot of James and a bit of dialect from him. After being in lecture I began to notcie particular things about a shot such as eye contact match which is prevalent in this shot between both the characters as the shots cut back and forth between the two as they are talking. I further noticed the idea of not breaking the 180 degree line. I had never edited before, but after beginning to use final cut pro it is so important to the piece to make sure that all of the se factors are in fact in line and on par or the piece just doesn't look right. After the cuts back and forth the camera zooms in on Jame's hand and you watch the camera than tilt up on to his face. The camera now is a extreme close up of Jame's face. At this point my favorite part of the scene happens the camera freezes on his face and you hear the voice over of Henry. I like this part because the words are now the most important part and what this particular character has asked him to do within inside the scene. Then it cuts to Henry's hand picking up what James just passed him and then the camera tilts up to his face as he lights a cigarette and then the camera freezes on his face and you continue to hear the voice over. After the intense shots at an intense moment within inside the movie, the shot is then cut back to a wide angle shot of the two of them sitting at the table across from each other, and the camera moves back. Editing played a significant part in this scene.