Monday, May 18, 2009

The knowledge

In the past couple of months I have had the opportunity to learn and work with media tools to better my knowledge on the filmmaking experience. I have really enjoyed learning about different filming techniques and everything from pre production to post production and what all that work entails. During the time I was taking these classes, I also was able to analyze films better and I better understood creative shots, and how those shots were achieved.
I recently began to analyze different Gus Van Sant films, and noticed his interesting and amazing technique.He has a real way of distinguishing a mood through different beautiful shots, and his shot, text and typography is all demonstrated through his work, in a personal and a unique style. I watched Finding Forrester, milk, Good Will Hunting and My Private Idaho, and recognized the genius of this man's style with every shot. I was able to recognize this with more maturity because of the information I gained from this classes I took on film at huter

Sunday, May 10, 2009


I have the advantage of working in a restaurant where noise is always prevalent. I decided to analyze the sound that occurs in the restaurant because we seldom recognize it while working but the sound is everywhere. I was able to take a few moments off waitressing to analyze what sounds where going on around me that I never pay attention too. In the background I could hear a faint song, "I'm coming out" playing on the radio. I could also hear the bussers speaking to each other in spanish, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. In the background I could also make sounds of the ac and noise from the outside street. In the foreground I heard people asking waiters for ketchup, mustard etc. I also paid more attention to the demands the waiters were making to the kitchen, bar, etc and the questions asked by the waiters while serving to the cutomers. In the foreground you can also here the banging of different kitchen appliances the dropping of different types of glassware.
It was really interesting to analyze sound through this exercise because I also paid attention to the clinging of silverware, cups, the tapping of glasses, the stacking of trays. Before doing an experiment like this you tend not to allow yourself or ignore those sounds, but with hearing those sounds you understand why the restaurant is the way it is. Those types of sounds make the landmark all the more adjustible and you tend to take advantage of the situation.