Thursday, November 5, 2009

Blog 3

Last year the idea of using Final Cut cared and intimidated me, I was unsure about the program and developed in my mind only those very advanced in technology can use Final Cut. Working on this project has changed that thought completely I was amazed at the simplicity, smoothness and organization of the program and the many different ways to accomplish one task. It is very user friendly.

In working on this project for Med. 160, I really enjoyed the whole process and collaborating to achieve the final project. Working on projects like this allows you to not only be creative yourself but to work with others to allow your creativity to flow together. The first stage developing the storyboard was I felt very necessary. Every aspet till execution plays such an important role in your final piece. I definitely feel that was a very important lesson I learned. Pre planing is everything preproduction is so key to your project and allows for organization at such a simple stage. While doing this I really began to get comfortable with final cut pro and really enjoyed working with that program and want to continue to work with the program and better my skills. I also learned the importance of ranging your cuts and the importance of a linear story. I felt in my project we could have had more cut aways and possibly more angle shots to allow for diversity. Lastly I really enjoyed watching other people's pieces it was definitely inspirational and fun.

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